
Time for us to brag a little. Our squeegee has taken home the Consumer Product of the Year, awarded by the Industrial Design Society of America. The New York Times...
Time for us to brag a little. Our squeegee has taken home the Consumer Product of the Year, awarded by the Industrial Design Society of America. The New York Times...

Why Cleret Squeegees?
Clerét is the only squeegee you will ever need. With our patented line of squeegees, longevity, quality, and ease-of-use are our calling cards. If you have a home, vehicle, boat,...
Why Cleret Squeegees?
Clerét is the only squeegee you will ever need. With our patented line of squeegees, longevity, quality, and ease-of-use are our calling cards. If you have a home, vehicle, boat,...